ngx-translate core: The internationalization i18n library for Angular


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Some familiarity with setting up an Angular project. While Angular has some built-in i18n functionality, ngx-translate is a third-party package that offers some functionality that might be better suited for your use case.

The Power of Localization to Unlock Global Growth: A CEO’s Perspective

You can write your own loader, or import an existing one. For example you can use the TranslateHttpLoader that will load translations from files using HttpClient. Creating the translation loader in this way expects you to have a file in your project under an /assets/i18n/ folder, called .json, where is the language of the file you are using for translations. For English, this file may be en.json, for example. Angular JS provides users with the framework to create web applications.

The output of the filter can be directly set to a scope variable. The second time I go to the page, all is well and the translated version is shown. For every application view, there is a dedicated controller. In the controllers below, I set the value to be shown as the page title.

  • Using a compiler opens the door for powerful pre-processing of translation values.
  • If this method returns a value or an observable , then this will be used.
  • This textbox defaults to using Markdown to format your answer.
  • With that setup, you have three ways to access the translations.
  • For more information about the angular-translate project, please visit our website.

When developing large angularjs translateJS applications for a wide audience, internationalization of these apps becomes more and more important. Once you’ve decided which loader to use, you have to setup the TranslateModule to use it. This document shows you how to get the project, run all provided tests and generate a production ready build. For more information about the angular-translate project, please visit our website.

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Integrate our Website Translator with AngularJS to create great multilingual web applications. Covering all aspects of angular-translate fills a whole tutorial itself. See the angular-translate tutorial on ng-newsletter for a great introduction to the module.


The following translations should be stored in en.json. If you are still having difficulty after looking over your configuration carefully, please post a question to StackOverflow with a specific tag. Especially if the question are related to AngularJS or even JavaScript/browser basic technologies (maybe your issue is not related to angular-translate after all). Of course, you could encapsulate the $translateservice in a method and call it in the controller and in the $translateChangeSucesslistener. If the translation file isn’t finished loading at the time you use this method, you won’t get a translation at all. This tutorial was verified with Node v16.4.0, npm v7.19.0, @angular/core v12.1.0, @ngx-translate/core v13.0.0, and @ngx-translate/http-loader v6.0.0.

I assume the has to do with the fact that maybe the translation file is not yet loaded when the controller is assigning the value to $scope.pageTitle. The parameter for all of these is the language you want to pull translations from – these should match the names of the JSON files that define the translations for those languages. The translation file is a JSON object of key-value pairs, where the key describes the text that is translated, and the value is the actual text in the language specified by the file. Probably the most common way to load translations is to include your translation files as assets and load them via the TranslateHttpLoader, which is available in a separate npm package. If you’re using an old version of Angular and ngx-translate requires a newer version then you should consider upgrading your application to use the newer angular 2 version. There is always a reason when I upgrade the minimum dependencies of the library.

We encourage everyone to have a look at our documentation website. If you think the documentation is not correct or should be optimized please file an issue. The asynchronous nature of the loading causes the problem.

‘Fname’ | translate

First, translate.addLangs([]) tells the service which languages are available to use for translations. If you want to write your own loader, you need to create a class that implements TranslateLoader. The only required method is getTranslation that must return an Observable.

With Angular JS, users are able to use HTML as the template language, as well as extend your HTML’s syntax for clear app components. With Angular’s data binding and dependency injection, users are able to minimize the amount of code otherwise required. You can setup a provider for the MissingTranslationHandler in the bootstrap of your application , or in the providers property of a component. It will be called when the requested translation is not available. The only required method is handle where you can do whatever you want. If this method returns a value or an observable , then this will be used.

You can also set the key of the translation as the content of the element. Using the service, there are two methods to get your translations. With that setup, you have three ways to access the translations. Which one you use at any given time will be up to your needs and preferences. Before you can access these translations in your application, you have to initialize some properties in the TranslateService.

@Bombinosh I’d say use filter method if you know translations are loaded. Personally I would even recommend not loading translations dynamically if you don’t have to. It’s a mandatory part of your application, so you better don’t want the user to be waiting for it. You can use the translate pipe much like you’d use any other pipe in Angular. The input into the pipe is the key of the translation you need. The optional parameter is an object which defines any interpolation strings that the translation is expecting.


If your loader is synchronous, just use Observable.of to create an observable from your static value. You can also define your translations manually with setTranslation. I am doing registration page and my app contains English and Arabic pages. I am storing English and Arabic words in JSON files. Most of the time, we are getting support questions of invalid configurations.

Test out today to find out easy cultivating a global web presence can truly be. Translation data, unlike other dynamic data on the page, must, of course, show up immediately to the user. Since version 2.8.0 there is also $translate.onReady(), which returns a promise that is resolved as soon as translations are ready. The point of translations is that they can change on user preferences or even on user action. So you need, in general, to load them dynamically. At least if the number of strings to translate is important, and / or if you have lot of translations.


Just don’t forget that it will be called synchronously from the instant method. Why $translate.instant() and not just async $translate()? The method translate.setDefaultLang(‘en’) allows you to specify a fallback set of translations to use in case there are missing translations for the current language. – A multi-platform application to enable the whole product team, including non-developers, to modify translations. Results can be downloaded as JSON and copied in the project as is.

The unit tests are available with npm test which is actually a shortcut for grunt test. It performs tests under the current primary target version of AngularJS. Use npm run-script test-scopes for testing other scoped versions as well.